Dopis Andreje Babiše velvyslancům zemí EU působícím v ČR, 9.12.2021
Vzhledem k pandemii covid-19 se předseda vlády v demisi nemohl rozloučit s velvyslanci zemí evropské sedmadvacítky osobně a proto jim zaslal dopis, ve kterém poděkoval za přínosnou spolupráci nejen na evropských tématech.

Your Excellency,

My tenure as Prime Minister is coming to an end, as well as the participation of ANO in the government of the Czech Republic. I would have liked to say goodbye to all of you in person, but given the current pandemic situation that wouldn’t be advisable. Therefore, I have decided to send you this letter. I am pleased that I could cooperate with you on many issues, first as the Minister of Finance and later as the Prime Minister. It was a fruitful collaboration and I was glad to get to know some of you very closely. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for this productive cooperation.

ANO will become the main opposition party and as for myself, I will not be leaving politics. I can assure you we will be a very active and very visible opposition, working very hard at Parliament, in the regions and municipalities. I strongly believe that even in our new position we will continue to cooperate, and exchange opinions. As Leader of the opposition I will be travelling abroad, visiting Brussels and meeting with our political partners. ANO firmly established itself as a part of the family of EU political parties, we are proud and active members of ALDE and Renew Europe. Our MEPs are one of the most visible and hardworking members of the European parliament.

My government and ANO never questioned our membership in the EU and NATO. It was never a matter of discussion. On the other hand, we emphasized that we must be active, and critical when necessary, ready to defend our national interests. Being part of the EU does not mean to accept everything which large member states, progressive elites in the European Parliament or bureaucrats in the European Commission and other institutions come up with. The Czech Republic vetoed mandatory migration quotas and we always defended our national interests as all countries do in the EU.

The EU is not a one-way street. There are funds and programmes for poorer countries and regions. However, newer member states in Central and Eastern Europe are crucial for the EU, as we represent a huge and growing market and a giant outflow of cash in the form of dividends to Western Europe. The EU is a system of equals, which is and must be mutually beneficial for everybody. For those from East and West, North and South, for smaller and bigger countries as well.

It is not true – as some say – that this country does not have a vision for Europe. Our vision has been simple. And it is compatible with Czech national interests and traditions of our foreign policy. There is no need to constantly open new fields and chapters of integration and leave older projects unfinished. Our focus should always be on completing the EU single market and focus on the four freedoms: the freedom of movement of people and labour, the freedom of movement of goods, the freedom of movement of services and the freedom of movement of capital. We are still lagging behind in the digital single market and telecommunications, in the field of services there are obstacles like forcing local wages for lorry and bus drivers from other countries, banking is becoming yet again more national etc. Focus on these four freedoms is a never ending task but now it is more urgent than ever.

After the United Kingdom left the EU, which I consider unfortunate, the Czech Republic must concentrate on building alliances with like-minded countries, which should focus on the free market, smaller government and less bureaucracy and regulations. The priority of the EU should be economic growth, not regulation. After the financial crisis of 2008 the average economic growth in the EU is only half of the growth in the United States, and in some countries in East Asia the growth is often three times superior than in Europe. It is clear that we cannot continue like this.

Brussels should accelerate the accession process of all countries interested in becoming a member of the EU. The European Union should coincide with the borders of Europe. The priority of the Czech Republic should be to support all countries in Western Balkans in their endeavour. The Schengen borders should be the same as the borders of the EU. It is crucial for the survival of the EU to improve the protection of its external borders to combat illegal migration and the smuggling of people.

The current energy crisis showed us that instead of focusing on the Green Deal only, the EU should use its strength to negotiate long-term contracts for natural gas, as it did when negotiating for covid-19 vaccines. I believe it is in the national interest of our country to focus on nuclear energy and build more nuclear reactors. Such decision should not only be respected but also welcomed by our European partners.

The EU functions professionally and efficiently in negotiating trade agreements with other countries. On the other hand, the EU is unable to project its power internationally, which is true even in relation to its neighbours. The EU must improve in this. It must be a strong, credible and visible player in all countries suffering from crisis and tensions such as Ukraine, Armenia, Turkey, Syria, Libya, Iraq etc. The first step is to define common EU interests. Only then can it have a functional foreign policy.

I sincerely hope and believe that the new Czech government will follow in our footsteps.

Once again let me thank you for your cooperation during these past years and wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I am looking forward to seeing you again soon.

Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.

Andrej Babiš, Prime Minister

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