Advice on electronic auction of Prague Broadway Palace building complex
Advice on electronic auction of Prague Broadway Palace building complex
05.08.2021 / 15:13 | Aktualizováno: 05.08.2021 / 15:22
The Czech Republic Office for Government Representation in Property Affairs has published an advice on the electronic auction of an administrative and commercial building complex Broadway Palace. The building complex is located in Prague’s Old Town. It also houses a theatre and a public passage connecting adjacent streets.
Palace Broadway was designed by architects Bohumír Kozák and Antonín Černý and was built in 1938. It was constructed for the needs of two insurance companies Moldavia Generali and Assicurazioni Generali. Historically, the building was also known as Palace Sevastopol.
The building consists of three sections, is six and seven storeys high and has three underground floors. In its original form, there were also apartments but it was completely rebuilt in 1980s for administrative purposes. Ground floor areas are adapted for shops, cafes, restaurants and other commercial businesses.
Palace Broadway is situated in a central city district of Prague 1, approximately 3 minutes of walking distance (220 m) from nearest underground line B station (Náměstí Republiky) and roughly 6 minutes’ walk (450 m) from major tourist hub Old Town Square and the most expensive commercial street in Central Europe – Pařížská street.
The auction will start on September 14th at 09.00 AM and will end on September 16th 2021 at 12.00 noon.
For more information kindly refer to here and here
The leaflet on the auction can be found here (PDF, 3 MB)
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